Monday, April 7, 2008

My weekend

My weekend was very good to some degree I went looking for a prom dress which was okay but really didn't find anything that I really liked. I went driving that morning by practicing so I can get my license I did pretty well with that. Also, the weather was really nice outside very sunny and kind of warm. I went to work also on saturday which was slow and boring because I was working in the frangrance department which not much happen there besides smelling like colonge and perfume and a lot of putting stuff away from different departments. The store was a mess because it was a huge sale at JcPenny's so all the associates had to go to some of the other departments to clean especially the women's department we had to fold a lot of jeans which was very terrible. It was overtime but it was okay because we made fun out of it instead of everyone being bored and tired because I was suppose to get off at 11:00 got off after that time. On Sunday I went to church which was good.

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